Sustainable solutions for swag
From sustainable products guides and SwagLabs to tips on how to keep your swag from the landfill, we gathered all our sustainable content here for easy access. Let’s do sustainable swag together.
Sustainable solutions for swag
From sustainable product guides and SwagLabs to tips on how to save your swag from the landfill, we gathered all our sustainable content here for easy access. Let’s do sustainable swag together.
Good swag that’s also
good for the planet
Let’s make swag that leaves a positive impact on your people and the planet. Whether it’s reusable, recycled, or cutting edge sustainable, we’re here to help you navigate the options.
A New Era of Sustainability in Promotional Products
See how carbon-neutral and recycled materials are making eco-friendly swag more accessible. As the demand for sustainable alternatives grows, the promotional products industry is shifting toward innovative designs that minimize waste and environmental impact.
How to Save Your Swag
from the Landfill
Taking inspiration from Patagonia’s Worn Wear program and leaning on the experience of running our own print shops for over a decade, we gathered ideas and tips for how we think through co-branding, removable branding, upcycling, and eventually recycling. We hope this helps your gear last a very long time.
How to Make Swag More Sustainable
There’s a growing interest in eco swag that has caused promotional product providers to ramp up their marketing efforts. While we’re thrilled to see increased interest for sustainability in our industry – we must recognize that sustainability is more than a fidget spinner-esque trend, and advocate for better, more permanent change. We’ve put together a playbook for navigating sustainable swag.
Sustainability at Kotis
We believe in the power of swag – and the responsibility to make that swag better. It takes more work, but it’s worth it. Explore what we’re doing and what’s to come.
An Upcycle Story; Bringing New Life to a Logo’d Backpack via Velcro
When one of our clients was acquired, all their branded inventory stored in our warehouse suddenly became irrelevant. To divert these great Timbuk2 backpacks from landfill, we upcycled them by sewing on a strip of velcro to cover the existing embroidery and then adding a patch on top.
The Best Sustainable Tees
What’s the best material for sustainability? Organic cotton… recycled polyester… tree bark? In this SwagLab, we look at 13 of our top eco t-shirt options to help you choose the best for your next project.
Brands that prioritize sustainability
Let’s do sustainable swag together.