Creating Capes for TinySuperheroes
TinySuperheroes is a small cape company with a super big mission – to empower extraordinary kids to overcome illness or disability. A cape is a powerful symbol of hope and strength, which is exactly what the kids feel when dawning their capes.
TinySuperheroes chief complaint with their old vendor was lack of transparency and having to work directly with factories. By partnering with Kotis, we took all of the headache out of ordering, shipping, and tracking the production of capes. We also handled all the importing paperwork, material testing, etc.
Tiny Superheroes
Each cape has a custom dyed backing with an all over print, a PMS matched material on the front and a sewn on applique. Kotis also helped develop a standard velcro for the neckband.
Most importantly, we are building out a program with them to help scale their shipments. With an anticipated 50,000 shipments per year, we will automate much of their work and let them focus on the most important thing – supporting their community.
“You have given my TinySuperhero so much confidence! He can’t wait to wear his cape to the hospital for his next therapy session! His little brother is ecstatic to have his own cape too. Thank you for putting a huge smile on my boys’ faces!!!”
Shira Raymond