2x2 Rubik's Cube Solution
Step 1: Solve one layer
While there are algorithms for this step, it is feasible for most people to go without them, which means fewer things to memorize. I recommend practicing just the one layer and getting comfortable with that before moving on.
I use white as the first layer, which we’ll call the “top” layer. The top layer includes both the white side AND the red, green, orange, and blue parts that are physically connected to the white pieces. It should look like this when step 1 is completed:

If you prefer to memorize an algorithm for this step, there is an example here.
Step 2: Position the 4 bottom corners
The goal in step 2 is to get the remaining four pieces into the correct location, even if they are not oriented correctly. The orientation of individual pieces will be fixed in the final step.
How the algorithm works
In this guide, you should always hold the cube with the white layer at the top, and yellow will eventually be on the bottom. The front will change at each step.
The algorithm will specify whether to turn the left face (L), right face (R), front (F), or bottom (B). It will either be clockwise (+), counterclockwise (-), or twice (2). For example R+ L- B2 would mean to turn the right clock wise, then the left counterclockwise, then the bottom twice.
Rotate the bottom four pieces as needed until you find at least one piece (but ideally 2) in the correct position. If all four are correct, skip to step 3.
We will use an algorithm to swap two bottom corners with each other. The other two bottom corners will remain unmoved. Hold the cube so that the two to swap are on the right, and the two to keep are on the left. Reminder: always hold the cube with the white layer at the top.
Swap two right corners:
L- B+ R+ B- L+ B+ R- B2
You may need to repeat this step a second time. Continue until all four are in the correct location. They should look like this:
Step 2: Position the 4 bottom corners
The goal in step 2 is to get the remaining four pieces into the correct location, even if they are not oriented correctly. The orientation of individual pieces will be fixed in the final step.
Based on which diagram it matches, the side with the dashed lines should be the front (Always hold the cube with the white layer at the top), and then do the following:
R- B- R+ B- R- B2 R+ B2
If it is not yet solved, go back and match the diagram a second time. You may need to do this step up to 3 times.
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